Your Ideal Body

Your Ideal Body

You can have your ideal body in six months, I guarantee it. Look. We all have our own reality. Some are blessed with a great constitution, which comes from healthy and attentive parents, and good eating while in the womb and developing. But most of us have been through the shredder. I was not breast-fed, my mom was addicted to cigarettes and alcohol, and could care less about her kids, at least in her actions. Fast forward and her daughter died of suicide after cancer at age 47. Her son is typing this now. I am committed to personal responsibility for my health

Your Ideal Body

Your ideal body is possible in 2021. I guarantee it. It’s not your situation, it’s what you do next. Now that we’ve seen Covid-19, and how expensive healthcare (and food) is, we must improve our diet and lifestyle habits now. Before it’s too late. Join

Five easy steps to reach your idea weight quickly and healthfully…

  1. Honesty. Are your parents and siblings overweight? Perhaps the eating you grew up with is not working. Do you eat unconsciously?
  2. Adjustment. Eat less meat and dairy. Take cooking classes. Find a new hobby. Advance your career. Walk more. And get enough sleep!
  3. Go organic and plant-based. There are tips on this site, and on other sites. Meat and dairy foods are expensive, destroy the environment, cause suffering, and add weight. Pesticides and hormones harm us.
  4. Get a coach to help you break through if and when you cannot succeed. I will do it if nobody else will! Free ride to a coach!
  5. Love yourself. Some things we cannot change. The past is the past and the future has not happened. Live in the now and in your body.

Your Ideal Body

Call David today at 508-333-4153 or

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