My whole life, January, February and March have been tough. I tend to get depressed, eat too much, stop exercising, get injuries, and I have left jobs more than once during this time. Why?
The objective bystander might suggest it is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), which seems to be popular this time of year. It’s possible there is some of that, and my mom is much happier now that she lives in FL.
But for me, I recently found out something that is very interesting. According to Eastern philosophy, we feel out of sorts for the three months that we did not live in the womb. Think about it–we get kicked out of a warm, stress-free environment, and into a world we’ve never seen at a time of year we’ve never experienced.
For me, that just so happens to be January, February and March. What are your difficult months? Do they coincide with some past difficulties? Perhaps knowing that can be of some benefit to you. For my cure, I’m going to Kripalu for a couple of nights, for some yoga, meditation, walks in nature, shiatsu, and some good Vegan food that I don’t have to cook myself.
If you are more interested in learning about all things Eastern, visit