Thinking BBQ For Dinner On This Hot Summer Night? Think Again

News Flash—

If your body is craving burned meat in the middle of summer, there’s something very wrong with you.

What your body needs is some raw, and some lightly cooked, with very little sodium, plant-based foods, such as long grain brown rice, beans, and vegetables.

If you are looking for more flavor, and need recipes, I hear you. Please use our pages and the entire web, as well as friends, families, Whole Foods and vegetarian restaurants such as Masao’s Kitchen, Big Fresh, Fresh City and Asian (not Chinese) eateries.

As far as dessert, eat whole fruit, especially apples, pears, cherries, grapes, watermelon, peaches, plums, apples and lemons. A few oranges and grapefruits are okay, as are very few tropical fruits. Avoid baked goods with eggs, watch for high sodium and fake sweeteners.

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