10 ideas for middle age men, in the autumn of our discontent. 2020 is a hard year for most of us. Stomach and other digestive issues abound, due to being too close to the fridge, and having less control over our lives.… Read the rest
Tag Archives: winter
What Americans eat these days can range from downright scary (have you seen Andrew Zimmern on the Food Network?), to quite gorgeous (too many new Farm to Table restaurants in MA to mention them all). What do you eat?
I like vegetables, grains, beans, seeds, nuts sea veggies and the occasional fruit.… Read the rest
When we are young, sometimes we feel immortal. I know I did.
- I suppose there are many good reasons for this:
- Lots of energy and everyone around you seems to care
- Haven’t been to a lot of funerals or lost many relatives yet
- Perhaps people don’t tell the truth, that we are going to die, and life is short!
Are raw foods healthy? Yes and no.
Some foods are meant to be eaten raw, and can strengthen our health, depending on what they are, where you live, your present condition, and the time of year.
Here are some good reasons why you should be VERY careful with raw food at this time of year (mid to late Winter):
- We need mostly well-cooked foods this time of year: roots, bean dishes, boiled grains, and well-cooked land/sea vegetables, with sea salt or shoyu/tamari.
How to stay warm in winter? Three tips: 1-Don’t drink iced drinks; 2-Massage your ears; 3-Eat plenty of root veggies and boiled grains (oats, millet, brown rice, kasha). More at http://itunes.com/apps/kaganmedianet… Read the rest