Health Truth or Dare!

My health is not perfect. After all, I’m 52, and I work every day. I get a cold every 2-3 years, and a sore shoulder, back or leg, maybe every other year, but overall I enjoy excellent health. Five cavities, one … Continue reading

Produce Bargains at Haymarket? Hold On…

I love a good outdoor market. A closure brought me through the Sumner Tunnel the other day, and I found myself at Haymarket, where the senses are delighted. $17 later, I was carrying four bags of produce with amazing bargains: 3 … Continue reading

Which of these vegetarian foods have you tried?

Ten Vegetarian Foods You Might Enjoy (and can prevent cancer, diabetes, obesity and heart disease) Tofu Tempeh Seitan Umeboshi plums Shiitake Mushrooms Kombu, Nori, Wakame, Hijiki, Arame, etc. Seaweed Kuzu (aka kudzu) Root Sesame Seeds Daikon Radish Burdock Root (aka … Continue reading

The Best In Life Is Yet To Come

I keep bumping into things I really need. I am so grateful and happy!! Last week, I started chanting like a real Buddhist: Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, this week I’m receiving new gifts…clients, jobs, new friends, piece of mind and … Continue reading

5 Easy Food Replacements For Better Health

Even though I enjoy health foods, and know a fair amount about health and wellness, I still enjoy rich foods, and with a wife and two kids here in the Framingham area, there are many temptations. But, there are some … Continue reading

Healthy Living In Greater Boston

All in all, the Boston area has some good resources for healthy living. Have you been to: Tower Hill Botanic Garden in Worcester? Masao’s Kitchen in Waltham? Whole Foods in Dedham, or the new store in Wellesley? Veggie Galaxy in … Continue reading