Today I woke up at 5:40am, and decided to do what was right for my body. With nowhere to be on a Saturday am, and a warm dew-covered law welcoming me, I walked outside barefooted, then lie down on the … Continue reading
Tag Archives: walk
We don’t just eat food. We also get nourishment from activities, relationships, etc. We sometimes need to work on a balance of helpful and not so helpful activities and relationships. These days, we have too many obligations, expenses, and stressors. … Continue reading
What a beautiful summer in New England! Have you noticed the weather is changing? The mornings and evenings are much cooler now, and this is our cue to adjust our eating to eliminate the excess water from our bodies. This … Continue reading
April showers bring May flowers, but also some more rain. Don’t let that stop you from going outside! I just took a nice walk in the misty rain, and not only was it beautiful, and comfortable, but it made a … Continue reading
The upcoming election does not interest me, and here’s why. I don’t believe that either side understands the importance of healing our people. Seems to me, we are sick, depressed, angry, obsessive, confused and tired, and we need something, fast. Here are … Continue reading
You’ve read my rants about food. You know I believe it’s big in creating health. But there are so many other things you can do everyday that are separate from food. Here’s a big one. This morning, I took a … Continue reading
Nature keeps us healthy and happy, and by being natural we help preserve nature, and reduce suffering. Here’s a little quiz to see how natural you are. 1. How many hours per day do you spend … Continue reading
This time of the year is great for taking inventory. How is your health? Relationships? Happiness? Some say 2012 is the last year for humans on this planet. I say something big is coming which will change life here, and … Continue reading
I’m at the mall, in the Apple Store. Very happening place. Technology is really great, but we are all overloaded by it by the end of the day. Gifts etc. are nice too! But today is a beautiful sunny day, 60 … Continue reading
When you wake up, are you ON right away? Life can be more enjoyable, and your health stronger, if you spend :15 to :30 each morning in your body. This can be meditation, yoga, stretching, affirmations, a walk, or a … Continue reading