My Ten Favorite Vegetables

What Americans eat these days can range from downright scary (have you seen Andrew Zimmern on the Food Network?), to quite gorgeous (too many new Farm to Table restaurants in MA to mention them all). What do you eat?

I like vegetables, grains, beans, seeds, nuts sea veggies and the occasional fruit.… Read the rest

Good Vegetables, Bad Vegetables


You want to be healthy, right? So you eat a lot of vegetables. How wonderful!

But there are certain veggies, that do more harm than good. Would you like to know which ones?

It’s not quite black and white, but nightshade vegetables for instance, such as Potatoes, Eggplant, Peppers, and tomatoes, are very acidic to the body, and should be avoided, especially, raw, and especially in the fall and winter months, if you live in a colder climate.… Read the rest

Enjoy that Meat and dairy…While Your Body, The Earth & Animals Suffer


Your health problems are caused by animal foods.

Vegan odds of getting cancer, heart disease, diabetes or having an accident are less than half of meat eaters.

Surprisingly, calcium, protein and vitamins are more prevalent in vegan foods as well. Lobbyists work hard to fight the truth.… Read the rest

Eating Animals and Violence (Such as Terrorism)


What is your response to what is going on in Boston this week?

If you want to “kill ’em!,” then maybe you are feeling stressed, and certainly that is understandable.

But eating a lot of animal foods also stresses us out, particularly overcooked meats and eggs.… Read the rest

I Eat Healthy, But I’m Always Getting Sick

I hear this all the time. The truth is, we should get no more than one cold per year, and we should not have acid reflux, high cholesterol, constipation, backaches, headaches, muscle cramps, rashes, warts, fungus on our toenails, baldness, premature graying, difficult menstruation, mood swings, and depression.… Read the rest

Get a Good Night’s Sleep (for S.P.)

My new friend is a wonderful person. He is sensitive, smart, generous and has great taste.

Unfortunately, he’s feeling weak and depressed, after decades of living without discipline, and having only recently tasted life without privilege.

Luckily, he’s been to the mountaintop, and he has plenty of support.… Read the rest

Five Food Myths

We learn about healthy eating from people who don’t know, or corporations who want us to buy their food or drugs. Here are five untruths:

  1. Fried Food Is Bad For You
  2. Animal Foods Are a Good Source of Protein
  3. Dairy Producs Are a Good Source of Calcium
  4. Tomatoes, Eggplant, Peppers, Potatoes & Spinach Are Good For You
  5. Eating Many Small Meals Per Day Is As Good as Three Square Meals

1.Read the rest

Tips From Health Yourself eBook

I would love you to buy my eBook. It’s just $3.99, and I really need the money. Also, I believe there’s at least one good idea there that you need right about now. Learn more

But, in the case that you are too busy to read right now, or don’t have time or money to buy it, I’ll once again be generous and give you some free tips.… Read the rest