Graduate From Difficulty to Easy Street

Being busy is a gift. Enjoy what you do and you are free, regardless of your income or fame. Getting sick makes life difficult. People don’t realize this until it happens to them or to a loved one. But here’s … Continue reading

5 Easy Food Replacements For Better Health

Even though I enjoy health foods, and know a fair amount about health and wellness, I still enjoy rich foods, and with a wife and two kids here in the Framingham area, there are many temptations. But, there are some … Continue reading

How to Lower Health Insurance Costs

Have you seen this graphic in yesterday’s Boston Globe? It’s nothing new that health insurance costs are rising at 10-15% per year. What is new is that our economy is practically dead because of it. What can employers do? What … Continue reading

Top 10 List: Why Be Vegan (aka Plant-Based; Baby Steps Okay)

10. Reduced Body Odor 9. Lower Carbon Footprint 8. Less Animal Suffering 7. Cleaner Air, Water, Soil 6. Better Karma 5. Effortless Weight Loss 4. Detoxify From Pesticides, Antibiotics, etc. 3. Be More Peaceful 2. Save Money 1. Be Popular … Continue reading