Your Face Tells Me Your Health

I met a friend today for coffee, and we caught each other up on life. It was nice. My friend, like many others, is battling a weight problem. Not insurmountable, but it’s starting to show on his face. Remarkable technology. … Continue reading

Macrobiotic Remedies For What Ails You

In the past two days, I’ve eaten things I regularly don’t. Stress, holidays, weakness, whatever. Many people have no symptoms when they eat this way, because they have strong constitution, or because they’ve always eaten this way, but I am … Continue reading

Healing Is Fun

Summer is fun. We’ve gone to the beach, seen shows, eaten seafood, swam at a friend’s pool, been to the Cape, gone to camp, taken moonlit strolls and more, and the summer is only half over! But there is also … Continue reading