Easing Pancreas Issues

We humans don’t live forever. But living a long, healthy and full life is a worthwhile goal, no? I keep hearing of people who get pancreatic cancer, and then die within a few months or years. It seems that modern … Continue reading

Your Ticket To Better Health In 2012

This time of the year is great for taking inventory. How is your health? Relationships? Happiness? Some say 2012 is the last year for humans on this planet. I say something big is coming which will change life here, and … Continue reading

Aging Gracefully

Yesterday I had an amazing birthday. The day was filled with support, love and gifts from friends and family. I also had a chance to learn some new things, and serve others, as well as enjoy wonderful food. Thank you … Continue reading

Macrobiotic Remedies For What Ails You

In the past two days, I’ve eaten things I regularly don’t. Stress, holidays, weakness, whatever. Many people have no symptoms when they eat this way, because they have strong constitution, or because they’ve always eaten this way, but I am … Continue reading

5 Easy Food Replacements For Better Health

Even though I enjoy health foods, and know a fair amount about health and wellness, I still enjoy rich foods, and with a wife and two kids here in the Framingham area, there are many temptations. But, there are some … Continue reading

Healthy Living In Greater Boston

All in all, the Boston area has some good resources for healthy living. Have you been to: Tower Hill Botanic Garden in Worcester? Masao’s Kitchen in Waltham? Whole Foods in Dedham, or the new store in Wellesley? Veggie Galaxy in … Continue reading

The Nose Trick: First of Many Videos Posted On YouTube

I have about 40 ideas for short videos with Ideas For Natural Living, the first one is now done. Thanks to Ari for jumping on camera, and to Carol for filming. Enjoy! Try The Nose Trick, when you wake up, … Continue reading

Sugar, Part 2

If you read David’s Organic Blog yesterday (http://www.davidsorganic.wordpress.com), you probably saw a bad limerick plus some bad news that you probably knew deep down. One thing I forgot to add: #6-Sugar is a poor choice this time of year because … Continue reading