The Basics of Yin and Yang


Yin and yang are the tendencies to expand and contract, the most basic forces in the universe, in our gardens, on our plates, and in our bodies.

Yin can be extreme: TNT, heroin, sugar. Or more moderate: strawberries, a scallion, a bean.… Read the rest

Hearty Vegetarian Cooking For Autumn

Here’s the deal:

  1. We eat too much meat, salt and baked foods, and we are under too much pressure.
  2. That causes us to gravitate to sugar and drugs to relieve pressure.
  3. The cure is to switch to a seasonal, plant-based diet, and be careful of chemicals, and how we prepare our foods.
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What Annoys Me The Most

Sometimes we Americans are so galling.

Top 10 Annoyances With Americans

  1. Labeling diseases as “incurable” instead of making doctors learn about healing
  2. The idea that an economy must grow or it will die
  3. The notion that we know better than nature how to grow crops or solve problems
  4. Why celebrate birthdays of entertainers when teachers and nurses and social workers deserve it more?
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Top 10 Ways To Create Peace

As promised, here are my Top 10 Ways To Create Peace

  1. Drop sugar from your diet
  2. Only see the good in others
  3. Meditate every day
  4. Live mindfully and modestly
  5. Take a daily nature walk
  6. Forgive yourself completely
  7. Love, laugh and be grateful for freedom
  8. Listen deeply to everyone, especially your adversaries
  9. Take care of all living beings
  10. Make an effort to drink clean water and eat clean foods
Click here for more top 10 lists

 … Read the rest

What Do You Want From Me?

I like to blog. It helps me focus my thoughts for more success in my life. But I also want to help you.

Today, I have three thoughts. Please let me know which is most helpful or interesting to you. Thanks.… Read the rest