What’s Wrong With Chicken?

Chickens are stressed out animals. Did you know that 95% of all the chickens and eggs sold in the U.S. come from factory farms, that have between 100,000 and 750,000 birds?

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Maybe you don’t feel that matters, but it does, as:

  1. Factory farm Chickens spread more disease
  2. To cope with that, more chemicals are used
  3. The environmental cost from transporting poultry is significant
  4. Horrible conditions: 22 hour days, beak clipping, no space
  5. Employees conditions: low wages, toxic smells, no humanity
  6. The result when we eat these animals is poor health…
  7. Higher cancer, heart disease, stress and bad karma

There are now good substitutes for chicken now, including:



Beyond Meat


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Thank you.… Read the rest

New Reasons Not To Eat Beef

cowsare people

According to researchers, eating beef more than once per year contributes to heart disease.

Okay, so here’s 10 reasons not to eat beef:

  1. Linked to heart disease
  2. Linked to cancer
  3. Linked to obesity
  4. Linked to alzheimers
  5. Drains drinking water supplies
  6. Damages soil through fertilizer and toxic runoff
  7. Adds to climate change through methane and transport of beef
  8. Adds to animal suffering on factory farms etc.
Read the rest

A Better Way to Heal

Most of us pay huge medical premiums every month. It’s a growing problem, and one that has stunted business growth in this most recent recession.

When we do get sick, our philosophy is often, “Good, now I can reap some benefit from all that expense.”… Read the rest

How Natural Are You?

Nature keeps us healthy and happy, and by being natural we help preserve nature, and reduce suffering.

Here’s a little quiz to see how natural you are.





1. How many hours per day do you spend outdoors (think of the last 30 days=Spring!)Read the rest

Why Life Sometimes Seems Not Worth It (But Is)

I know quite a few people who have mentioned the S word to me lately. Given the fact that my sister lost her life this way just six months ago, I have a lot to say.

I too have stress, and sometimes wonder if it’s worth it to go through the motions every day, when I don’t have enough money to pay the bills, the kids make life difficult, and there is always something around the corner which rots (bank fees, construction detours, blackouts, etc.,).… Read the rest

Top 10 Ideas To Make Cookies & Ice Cream Healthier

Often, I hear stories of people who gave up the corporate world, to open an ice cream store or start baking cookies for a living. Sounds great, doesn’t it?

The world is full of ice cream and cookies, but we are still a sick and depressed bunch.… Read the rest

Worried About Radiation From Your Smart Phone?

Technology has a cost. Medications, bug sprays, fireproofing products such as asbestos, even automobiles have caused immeasurable suffering in terms of illness, death and loss of productivity.

These days people are talking about nuclear radiation again, due to the fallout in Japan and impending problems in New Hampshire and elsewhere, but there are other hidden dangers.… Read the rest

Don’t Wait, Get What You Need First

So many lessons in life. We need to make the most of our opportunities to love people, as they are not here forever. But it’s important to protect other people from our suffering, if our ego is not in check. Otherwise, it can get messy.… Read the rest