The Key to a Great Life

We live in strange times.

While a few make billions selling technology or lending escapism to the masses, most of us burn the candle at both ends to pay the bills.

Meanwhile, animals and the environment suffer, and we age rapidly and suffer.… Read the rest


Why is it, that only violence creates change with the U.S. Government?

We understand Black Lives Matter, and we are glad to see folks rallying around people who are discriminated against or are the victims of violence or unfair treatment in our society, through peaceful protests.… Read the rest

Living Well and Dying Well

Whitney Houston was certainly a talented human being. Many people enjoyed her music. There are many artists who also owe her a debt of gratitude. Unfortunately, she suffered a lot. Did she suffer as a result of her success? Perhaps. But like all of us, she had challenges and did not always deal with them well.… Read the rest