Yin and yang are the tendencies to expand and contract, the most basic forces in the universe, in our gardens, on our plates, and in our bodies. Yin can be extreme: TNT, heroin, sugar. Or more moderate: strawberries, a scallion, … Continue reading
Tag Archives: stressed
What is your response to what is going on in Boston this week? If you want to “kill ’em!,” then maybe you are feeling stressed, and certainly that is understandable. But eating a lot of animal foods also stresses us … Continue reading
What’s your problem? Overweight Stressed Out High Cholesterol/Blood Pressure/Blood Sugar/PSA etc. On too many Medications Eating Disorder Fatigued Emotional/Mental Issues Other (please tell me) For every comment, I will give a response for FREE! Thanks, David … Continue reading
Sometimes we eat with reckless abandon, and sometimes, particularly later in life, we learn lessons from that
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