500 Posts—Something For Everyone

I’ve been at this for a while now, and I must say, I enjoy it.

Sharing my life reminds me I’m not alone, and adds incentive for others to include people in their lives. In these times, with financial and other stress, we need to be in community with others.… Read the rest

I Eat Healthy, But I’m Always Getting Sick

I hear this all the time. The truth is, we should get no more than one cold per year, and we should not have acid reflux, high cholesterol, constipation, backaches, headaches, muscle cramps, rashes, warts, fungus on our toenails, baldness, premature graying, difficult menstruation, mood swings, and depression.… Read the rest

Everything Is Perfect

My friend Bill is writing a book on this very topic. It’s hard for me to be in that space very often or for very long, because I’m a natural critic, and I grew up somewhat spoiled. But I’m getting there.… Read the rest

How We Handle Ourselves Matters

In the past, even as recently as five years ago, when things when wrong, I sometimes fell apart.

A rainstorm when sunny skies were predicted, a recipe that turned out wrong, a person who took offense when none was intended, or a dead battery might trigger stress that lead to more problems.… Read the rest

Rereading Natural Cures By Kevin Trudeau

This guy is somewhat creepy, he spent time in prison, and is a HUGE salesman on the web etc., but a lot of his ideas are sound.

He says that disease is caused by:

  1. Toxins
  2. Nutritional Deficiencies
  3. Electromagnetic Chaos
  4. Mental and/or Emotional Stress

I happen to agree with all that.… Read the rest

Why Hot Sake Is Good For You

If you don’t drink and it’s working for you, great, don’t start now.

But, most Americans drink wine, beer or spirits each week, and there have been arguments that it can be healthy.

My view, is that we need to reduce our stress to be healthier.… Read the rest

Sugar, Part 2

If you read David’s Organic Blog yesterday (http://www.davidsorganic.wordpress.com), you probably saw a bad limerick plus some bad news that you probably knew deep down.

One thing I forgot to add:

#6-Sugar is a poor choice this time of year because it makes us colder.… Read the rest

My Speech at Acton Networkers

These folks are working so hard trying to find a job, they deserve some support, and last night I tried to fill that role at their Successful Career Management Group.

While holding myself back from too many dramatic claims about the natural lifestyle, I helped these folks see that it’s about taking control over our daily habits, and easing back off the food, toxins and stress, while being thankful for what we have, and enjoying nature.… Read the rest