What’s your problem? Overweight Stressed Out High Cholesterol/Blood Pressure/Blood Sugar/PSA etc. On too many Medications Eating Disorder Fatigued Emotional/Mental Issues Other (please tell me) For every comment, I will give a response for FREE! Thanks, David … Continue reading
Tag Archives: problems
In the past, even as recently as five years ago, when things when wrong, I sometimes fell apart. A rainstorm when sunny skies were predicted, a recipe that turned out wrong, a person who took offense when none was intended, … Continue reading
Please read the article from G (The Boston Globe) on Monday Sept. 5 reviewing the new movie on consumption of dairy. Yes, milk products taste good, and are addictive. We also are in good company when we consume milk products. … Continue reading
I was speaking with a good friend of mine today who leaves near the family whose teenage son recently murdered his ex-girlfriend, in a lovely and upper class Metrowest suburb. A very sad story, an avoidable tragedy, with many victims, … Continue reading
Eat well, do more…
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