Do You Have Fatty Liver?

There is new research showing that most severe cases of Covid-19 are in people with non-alcoholic Fatty Liver, which is caused by eating animal foods and sugar.

60% of Covid deaths are obese, 70% have hypertension, and of course most are over 65 years old.… Read the rest

Concussion (CTI) Linked With Animal Foods


We are getting to be more familiar with the pro athletes going postal, committing suicide, or suffering from cognitive impairment that seems like Alzheimers. In fact, there is an NFL settlement which is now being challenged, but needless to say the protocol for head injuries in sports and in communities is much different now than even two years ago.… Read the rest

Hearty Vegetarian Cooking For Autumn

Here’s the deal:

  1. We eat too much meat, salt and baked foods, and we are under too much pressure.
  2. That causes us to gravitate to sugar and drugs to relieve pressure.
  3. The cure is to switch to a seasonal, plant-based diet, and be careful of chemicals, and how we prepare our foods.
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Are You Happy?

I am happy. I have very important things of health, enough money to eat and have shelter, and a beautiful wife and two amazing children.

My body feels great most of the time, and at 47, I know a lot of other people that cannot say the same.… Read the rest

How Can I Assist You?

I am grateful to be in good health, and as such, I have energy for lots of things.

Please consider if you need any assistance in these areas…

  1. WordPress Blogging Web Sites for $149 (hosting, analytics & writing also available)
  2. Rides to Logan Express or Westwood Train/Airport for $10 or 30 each way
  3. Consult & eBook/App/Placemat on Plant-Based Diet, starts at $5
  4. Healing Meals etc.
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Water to Alkalinize Your Body

A friend of mine dropped by this morning to share some Kangen Water. She is using it with good results and thinking of selling systems (multi-level, it’s a Japanese system for hundreds to a couple thousand dollars) that separate water into an acidic run-off (which you can use as a cleaner, very clever!)… Read the rest