If you eat these foods regularly, you are probably healthier than your neighbors: Brown Rice (preferably pressure-cooked short grain, this time of year) Seaweed (Nori, Wakame, Kombu, Arame, Dulse, Hiziki, Agar) Mushrooms (white, portobello, shiitake, maitake, porcini, oyster, etc.) Daikon … Continue reading
Tag Archives: mushroom
I eat all of these every week. Tofu, if organic, is a fine source of nutrients, and very satisfying if prepared well. Moderation is good, particularly if you are worried about breast cancer. But then you should not be having … Continue reading
We are coming into prime season for soup eating! Watch out for unhealthy soups such as: Tomato Soup Clam Chowder Chili French Onion Cheese & [anything] The keys to good soup are: Good water, seaweed (kombu, wakame etc.) and miso … Continue reading