I lost a friend on January 3 who had been battling cancer. I have been dwelling on him a lot. It’s sad for his 13 year old son, and many friends and family. The doctors said he had one to … Continue reading
Tag Archives: monsanto
The way we grow crops is insane. Annually, we use millions of tons of nitrogen fertilizer and we use hundreds of thousands of tons of pesticides (except in the case of organics, less than 1% of the total in the … Continue reading
Glyophosate is a poisonous pesticide, and if your family eats Cheerios, or dozens of other foods by Nabisco, General Mills or Kellogg’s, you are getting plenty of it. Here is a graphic with more information: MonsantoTruth … Continue reading
Learn How You Can Kick Monsanto & Big Oil Out of Your Neighborhood! Across the country, people are learning how to protect the health of their communities, and the people who live there. From GMO crops. From fracking. From outside … Continue reading