Cow’s Milk…Bad For Moms, Kids, Everyone

Sure, ice cream is delicious. Same for cheese, butter, and whipped cream. But at a high price. Not just at the grocery store, but at home, at school, at the doctor, in the hospital, and sadly, in the funeral home. … Continue reading

Why No Dairy?

You like Top 10 Lists, eh? Okay, here’s another… Top 10 Reasons To Give Up Eating Dairy Foods The price of dairy products has skyrocketed over the past few years Milk has been linked to thyroid cancer, which is found … Continue reading

Carbs…Protein…Calcium…What’s It All Mean?

God did not intend us to be accountants. The key to being slim, healthy, attractive and happy is NOT keeping score, but living a balanced life. Unfortunately, our capitalist society makes it fairly difficult to find balance. Few of us are properly … Continue reading

Top 10 Ideas To Make Cookies & Ice Cream Healthier

Often, I hear stories of people who gave up the corporate world, to open an ice cream store or start baking cookies for a living. Sounds great, doesn’t it? The world is full of ice cream and cookies, but we … Continue reading

Graduate From Difficulty to Easy Street

Being busy is a gift. Enjoy what you do and you are free, regardless of your income or fame. Getting sick makes life difficult. People don’t realize this until it happens to them or to a loved one. But here’s … Continue reading

Five Food Myths

We learn about healthy eating from people who don’t know, or corporations who want us to buy their food or drugs. Here are five untruths: Fried Food Is Bad For You Animal Foods Are a Good Source of Protein Dairy … Continue reading