Chemicals Are Everywhere…And So Is Cancer

USA cancer deaths are rising despite more testing, medicines, procedures, even vaccines. These interventions actually CAUSE cancer, and are very expensive. What’s less expensive, and more effective? Prevention. Here’s the recipe (from our front page): Eat organic plant-based low fat/sodium/sugar meals … Continue reading

Five Changes To A Much Better Country

The upcoming election does not interest me, and here’s why. I don’t believe that either side understands the importance of healing our people. Seems to me, we are sick, depressed, angry, obsessive, confused and tired, and we need something, fast. Here are … Continue reading

How to Lower Health Insurance Costs

Have you seen this graphic in yesterday’s Boston Globe? It’s nothing new that health insurance costs are rising at 10-15% per year. What is new is that our economy is practically dead because of it. What can employers do? What … Continue reading

My Morning Health Routine

When you wake up, are you ON right away? Life can be more enjoyable, and your health stronger, if you spend :15 to :30 each morning in your body. This can be meditation, yoga, stretching, affirmations, a walk, or a … Continue reading