Top 10 List To Heal Or Prevent Disease

If you are sad because your wife just got diagnosed with Parkinsons or cancer, or you just cannot drop those 60 pounds for your doctor, or your son’s bipolar disorder is getting worse, I’m sorry. The medical system has you … Continue reading

Getting Back On Track

One of the reasons I love to study change is that it seems to be ever-present in my life. Yesterday I got a new car, last month I got a new job, and next month will be the one-year anniversary … Continue reading

How Natural Are You?

Nature keeps us healthy and happy, and by being natural we help preserve nature, and reduce suffering. Here’s a little quiz to see how natural you are.         1. How many hours per day do you spend … Continue reading

Easing Pancreas Issues

We humans don’t live forever. But living a long, healthy and full life is a worthwhile goal, no? I keep hearing of people who get pancreatic cancer, and then die within a few months or years. It seems that modern … Continue reading

Your Ticket To Better Health In 2012

This time of the year is great for taking inventory. How is your health? Relationships? Happiness? Some say 2012 is the last year for humans on this planet. I say something big is coming which will change life here, and … Continue reading

Aging Gracefully

Yesterday I had an amazing birthday. The day was filled with support, love and gifts from friends and family. I also had a chance to learn some new things, and serve others, as well as enjoy wonderful food. Thank you … Continue reading