10 Positive Changes From Coronavirus

10. No More Shaking Hands!

9. No More 7am Flights

8. Working From Home

7. We Buy and Waste Less Stuff

6. Obesity & Medications Reduced Naturally!

5. We appreciate Elders & First Responders

4. Fewer Cases of The Flu 

3.… Read the rest

Bread Is Evil…How To Deal With It


Everyone loves bread. We only stop eating it for three reasons:

  • We become gluten-free after a diagnosis of Celiac’s etc.
  • We learn about the detrimental effects from Macrobiotics, a cleanse, etc.
  • We die

The bottom line is that bread is not good for us.… Read the rest

How To Heal With Love

How much love do you have in your life? Is it keeping you healthy?

Love comes from within, and many of us have skeletons in our closet or bad habits that prevent us from fulling loviing ourselves, and that lets illness creep in, particularly when we add poor lifestyle choices such as the Standard American Diet, too little time outside, and not enough exercise or rest.… Read the rest

Top 10 Ways To Create Peace

As promised, here are my Top 10 Ways To Create Peace

  1. Drop sugar from your diet
  2. Only see the good in others
  3. Meditate every day
  4. Live mindfully and modestly
  5. Take a daily nature walk
  6. Forgive yourself completely
  7. Love, laugh and be grateful for freedom
  8. Listen deeply to everyone, especially your adversaries
  9. Take care of all living beings
  10. Make an effort to drink clean water and eat clean foods
Click here for more top 10 lists

 … Read the rest

Aging Gracefully

Yesterday I had an amazing birthday. The day was filled with support, love and gifts from friends and family. I also had a chance to learn some new things, and serve others, as well as enjoy wonderful food. Thank you to all.… Read the rest

Commitment vs. Obligation

I am going through an exercise for the next 30 days to help free up my negative energy.

Even as I am committed to serving others, and I spend many hours cooking and driving and listening for people who need my support, I sometimes feel this work weakens me, and I need to understand and avoid that dynamic.… Read the rest

Don’t Wait, Get What You Need First

So many lessons in life. We need to make the most of our opportunities to love people, as they are not here forever. But it’s important to protect other people from our suffering, if our ego is not in check. Otherwise, it can get messy.… Read the rest

Nature Is Calling

Although I’ve always enjoyed technology at work and at play, I am drawn to nature more and more.

Now that my sister Wendy is no longer here, I feel connected to her through nature, and that feels good.

I know I’ll join her at some point, but my mission is to be here and to love and help other people, particularly with their health.… Read the rest