We are the ones who limit our success. It’s easy to blame kids, ex-wives, parents, bosses, the government, etc., but really it’s us. My Dad told me this long ago, but I rejected it because I was young and foolish. … Continue reading
We are the ones who limit our success. It’s easy to blame kids, ex-wives, parents, bosses, the government, etc., but really it’s us. My Dad told me this long ago, but I rejected it because I was young and foolish. … Continue reading
This time of the year is great for taking inventory. How is your health? Relationships? Happiness? Some say 2012 is the last year for humans on this planet. I say something big is coming which will change life here, and … Continue reading
With my iPhone app, placemat and eBook (see here) now out, I’m getting a lot of people asking for recipes. I have about a half dozen up here, and will soon have more. Please try these out, and let me … Continue reading