Top 10 Healthy Eateries In Greater Boston


There are perhaps 5,000 restaurants in greater Boston. How many have you tried? I’ve hit 250.

Most of them use way too much salt, and the wrong kind of salt, as well as white flour, and animal products loaded with pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, and who knows what else.… Read the rest

A Healthy Late Summer Meal


What a beautiful summer in New England!

Have you noticed the weather is changing? The mornings and evenings are much cooler now, and this is our cue to adjust our eating to eliminate the excess water from our bodies.

This water comes from a steady stream of yin (expanding/cooling) foods, such as:

  • Alcohol
  • Raw Food
  • Tropical Food
  • Fruit
  • Fruit Juice
  • Soda
  • Sugar
  • Nightshade Veggies (tomato, potato, eggplant, pepper, etc.)
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Better Digestion & Better Health This Autumn

It’s time for another top 10 list!

Top 10 Ideas For Healthy Autumn Eating

  1. Well chewed pressure-cooked brown rice daily, plus boiled millet, barley, quinoa etc. weekly
  2. Plenty of well-cooked organic vegetables, including carrots, daikon, parsnips, burdock and lotus root
  3. Ease up on the raw salads, fruit, tropical foods, sweets and milks, even soy/rice/almond milk
  4. Eat lots of beans, especially azuki, black soy, kidney, black beans and garbanzo beans
  5. Eat miso soup daily, as well as pickles after meals
  6. Enjoy mushrooms, sea vegetables, seeds, nuts (not nut butters) mustard, horseradish & ginger
  7. Avoid animal foods as they are acidic for the body, contain pesticides & hormones, and cause suffering
  8. Use steaming for greens and root vegetables this time of year
  9. Avoid baked wheat flour, and all flour products that are not whole grain
  10. Avoid chemicals, including MSG, colors, flavors, and caffeine
Also remember to eat regular meals, don’t overeat, and don’t eat after 7:30pm



 … Read the rest

Join Us For A Healthy Dinner

On July 12 in Natick we are having dinner at Moe’s Southwest Grill. It’s inexpensive, easy to get to, and reasonably healthy.

Visit this link to sign up

In the meantime, be good to yourself:

  1. Eat light in Summer: more raw veggies, less animal foods, hard and salty foods
  2. Get outside early or late in the day, remembering to replenish minerals (sea veggies cooked in water, and drinking water) when you sweat
  3. Choose this life, and give your full presence to others

Enjoy!… Read the rest

How Natural Are You?

Nature keeps us healthy and happy, and by being natural we help preserve nature, and reduce suffering.

Here’s a little quiz to see how natural you are.





1. How many hours per day do you spend outdoors (think of the last 30 days=Spring!)Read the rest

Peace Now

I’m building a web site for my friend Dr. Kayed Khalil, a talented chiropractor based in Framingham.

If you know Kayed, you may also know he is a gifted speaker on the subject of peace, particularly in the Middle East. He knows a little something about the subject, as he was born in a refugee camp in Beirut, Lebanon.… Read the rest

Healthier Pancakes

My only regret is I forgot to take pictures of these beauties:

  • -Chocolate chip w/ maple syrup, using egg replacer, soy milk, agave nectar and white & rice flours
  • -Banana chip coconut with cherry syrup, same mix as above. Both were cooked with safflower oil

Delicious!! … Read the rest