When things go wrong, it’s easy to get down, but just as easy to get back in the game. Happiness rules! Our minds and our bodies are the most amazing healing machines. Here are ten things to keep in mind, when … Continue reading
When things go wrong, it’s easy to get down, but just as easy to get back in the game. Happiness rules! Our minds and our bodies are the most amazing healing machines. Here are ten things to keep in mind, when … Continue reading
I keep bumping into things I really need. I am so grateful and happy!! Last week, I started chanting like a real Buddhist: Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, this week I’m receiving new gifts…clients, jobs, new friends, piece of mind and … Continue reading
I enjoyed eating (too much) last night, but my miso soup and brown rice and morning body rituals got me back on track
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