Easing Pancreas Issues

We humans don’t live forever. But living a long, healthy and full life is a worthwhile goal, no? I keep hearing of people who get pancreatic cancer, and then die within a few months or years. It seems that modern … Continue reading

Get a Good Night’s Sleep (for S.P.)

My new friend is a wonderful person. He is sensitive, smart, generous and has great taste. Unfortunately, he’s feeling weak and depressed, after decades of living without discipline, and having only recently tasted life without privilege. Luckily, he’s been to … Continue reading

A Recipe for Better Health and a Longer Life

With my iPhone app, placemat and eBook (see here) now out, I’m getting a lot of people asking for recipes. I have about a half dozen up here, and will soon have more. Please try these out, and let me … Continue reading