Avoid Colds & Flu This Winter With Veg etc.

People in the USA don’t understand what colds and flu are, and how to prevent them. It’s a multi-billion dollar industry, so big pharma, hospitals, doctors and the government are not going to tell you. I will. Here’s the deal: … Continue reading

Macrobiotic Remedies For What Ails You

In the past two days, I’ve eaten things I regularly don’t. Stress, holidays, weakness, whatever. Many people have no symptoms when they eat this way, because they have strong constitution, or because they’ve always eaten this way, but I am … Continue reading

Five Food Myths

We learn about healthy eating from people who don’t know, or corporations who want us to buy their food or drugs. Here are five untruths: Fried Food Is Bad For You Animal Foods Are a Good Source of Protein Dairy … Continue reading