I have realized that during the summer, certain changes happen. If I’m not conscious about my diet and lifestyle, I may drink more alcohol and eat more sugar and fruit. I probably do this to cool my body down, and … Continue reading
Tag Archives: diet
Helen Keller was one of the most amazing people I’ve ever heard about. I cannot imagine living without my sight alone, never mind hearing and speaking. Every day, I say out loud how grateful I am for all my senses, … Continue reading
It’s the Ides of March, and everybody should be excited about spring, except perhaps the tax accountants, who are overwhelmed with work. Inevitably, the cold weather in winter means I am less active and I overeat. I believe I will … Continue reading
We are the ones who limit our success. It’s easy to blame kids, ex-wives, parents, bosses, the government, etc., but really it’s us. My Dad told me this long ago, but I rejected it because I was young and foolish. … Continue reading
What a pain in the butt, right? Really, it’s a gift. A wakeup call that our intestines, heart, liver, lungs, etc. may be hurting. My eczema occurred after having a bunch of white flour baked treats from Au Bon Pain, … Continue reading
Sometimes it seems that everything is broken. In my world, it’s the little things that get me. The kids up the street don’t show up on time to walk with my daughter (so I get to walk her, that’s good), … Continue reading
I’m very excited, because this seems to be the big year for change that is a long time in the making, and desperately needed. The world is overrun by human beings, and in many areas, we are decimating nature. The … Continue reading
As promised, here are my Top 10 Ways To Create Peace… Drop sugar from your diet Only see the good in others Meditate every day Live mindfully and modestly Take a daily nature walk Forgive yourself completely Love, laugh and … Continue reading
I keep bumping into things I really need. I am so grateful and happy!! Last week, I started chanting like a real Buddhist: Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, this week I’m receiving new gifts…clients, jobs, new friends, piece of mind and … Continue reading
Summer is fun. We’ve gone to the beach, seen shows, eaten seafood, swam at a friend’s pool, been to the Cape, gone to camp, taken moonlit strolls and more, and the summer is only half over! But there is also … Continue reading