Does The World Work?

Sometimes it seems that everything is broken. In my world, it’s the little things that get me. The kids up the street don’t show up on time to walk with my daughter (so I get to walk her, that’s good), … Continue reading

Top 10 Ways To Create Peace

As promised, here are my Top 10 Ways To Create Peace… Drop sugar from your diet Only see the good in others Meditate every day Live mindfully and modestly Take a daily nature walk Forgive yourself completely Love, laugh and … Continue reading

The Best In Life Is Yet To Come

I keep bumping into things I really need. I am so grateful and happy!! Last week, I started chanting like a real Buddhist: Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, this week I’m receiving new gifts…clients, jobs, new friends, piece of mind and … Continue reading

Healing Is Fun

Summer is fun. We’ve gone to the beach, seen shows, eaten seafood, swam at a friend’s pool, been to the Cape, gone to camp, taken moonlit strolls and more, and the summer is only half over! But there is also … Continue reading