Just made a small batch of David’s Organic Carrot Juice and Lung Drink. Both are great for active and stressed out people who want to help their bodies cope in these strange times.$10 per pint plus delivery. Members get free … Continue reading
Tag Archives: Davids Organic
I am very excited to be able to offer these products and services right now… [ss_product id=’873b71bc-289c-11e9-9fd7-040119b78b01′ ]Everyday Health[/ss_product] [ss_product id=’b573f8aa-289d-11e9-a255-040119b78b01′ ]Health Yourself eBook[/ss_product] [ss_product id=’6e5e25e2-289a-11e9-808c-040119b78b01′ ]Plant-based Starter Kit[/ss_product] [ss_product id=’59ac899e-289b-11e9-960c-040119b78b01′ ]Two Pints, David’s Organic Sweet Veggie Tea[/ss_product] If the … Continue reading
It’s been a while since I’ve written—sorry. The reason I’m into balance and healing, is because early in life, and to an extent still, I’ve had difficulty balancing my own life and health. Isn’t that how many of us find … Continue reading
USA cancer deaths are rising despite more testing, medicines, procedures, even vaccines. These interventions actually CAUSE cancer, and are very expensive. What’s less expensive, and more effective? Prevention. Here’s the recipe (from our front page): Eat organic plant-based low fat/sodium/sugar meals … Continue reading
With my iPhone app, placemat and eBook (see here) now out, I’m getting a lot of people asking for recipes. I have about a half dozen up here, and will soon have more. Please try these out, and let me … Continue reading
noodle soup for breakfast is yummy and good for you
Continue readingBehavioral health works. It helps employees get healthier, and companies improve their bottom line. This could be big.
Continue readingBehavioral health works. It helps employees get healthier, and companies improve their bottom line. This could be big.
Continue readingYour company could save money and help employees live better and healthier lives by making some adjustments in the workplace, including facilitating a healthier and more natural diet and lifestyle at home and at work.
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