Turn Off ALS, Parkinsons, Alzheimers etc.

Turn off ALS? Wow. More than half of doctors: Don’t value our time Are not open to alternative healing Promote tests, drugs and surgery Don’t have a clue how to prevent illness Are not healthy themselves Believe that diseases are … Continue reading

Health Secret! Spring Cleaning In Your Colon

Over the long winter, some of us ate more and exercised less. If that also included cheese, meat and chemicals, you might be looking forward to losing a few pounds. Eating less, enjoying fresh vegetarian fare, and of course getting … Continue reading

Which of these vegetarian foods have you tried?

Ten Vegetarian Foods You Might Enjoy (and can prevent cancer, diabetes, obesity and heart disease) Tofu Tempeh Seitan Umeboshi plums Shiitake Mushrooms Kombu, Nori, Wakame, Hijiki, Arame, etc. Seaweed Kuzu (aka kudzu) Root Sesame Seeds Daikon Radish Burdock Root (aka … Continue reading