Each month my web provider sends me a traffic report for this site. I get a lot of visitors, but most turn away after a brief look. What are people afraid of? Every day I hear stories about people being … Continue reading
Tag Archives: cure
Turn off ALS? Wow. More than half of doctors: Don’t value our time Are not open to alternative healing Promote tests, drugs and surgery Don’t have a clue how to prevent illness Are not healthy themselves Believe that diseases are … Continue reading
If you are 40-75 years of age, you can benefit from Sweet Vegetable Drink. It’s a between-meals drink made from filtered water, organic winter squash, carrots, yellow onion and green cabbage. Ultra low sodium, this drink soothes your mood and … Continue reading
Are you in tough shape health-wise? Can you answer yes to more than one of these: I take regular medications I do not have large, well-formed bowel movements daily I am frequently feeling depressed, or have a headache or muscle … Continue reading