Five Changes To A Much Better Country

The upcoming election does not interest me, and here’s why. I don’t believe that either side understands the importance of healing our people. Seems to me, we are sick, depressed, angry, obsessive, confused and tired, and we need something, fast.

Here are my Five Changes To A Much Better Country…

  1. Outlaw High Fructose Corn Syrup and NaCl in all foods, and ban all foods with more than 250 mg sodium and 25mg sugar per serving.
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Pink Slime, Creme Eggs & A Robust Healthcare System

We are being set up. Well, those of us who shop and eat the conventional American diet.

It’s our own fault, of course. Every single day, there are articles online and in print, and television and radio shows exposing the horrific crimes of “phude” companies, who know that they can add sodium or corn syrup to just about anything, slap on a wrapper, and sell it to us anywhere from gas stations to drug stores to supermarkets to schools.… Read the rest