Bipolar Disorder Is The Same As Hypoglycemia


Bipolar Disorder Is The Same As Hypoglycemia

Think about it—when they eat chicken and pizza, they get frustrated and angry, and when they eat ice cream and soda, they explode.

Here’s the cure, when you are ready for it. 10 foods to avoid, and 10 foods to enjoy, and a few lifestyle tips to not experience hypoglycemia/bipolar disorder:

Foods to Avoid
  1. Chicken/Beef/Pork/Tuna/Eggs, especially barbecued, roasted, baked, fried
  2. Hard, Salty Snacks such as pretzels, chips, crackers, and all white flour and pasta
  3. Cheese and milk (cream and butter are not great, but not as bad)
  4. Cold Foods such as iced tea, ice cream, ice cubes, etc.
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Causes of Breast Cancer? Dairy, Sugar, Yeast, Chicken Top The List

Got a call from the Breast Cancer Society today. They wanted money for women with breast cancer, and for research to end Breast Cancer. I did not give them any.

But I did give them an earful of what is now well established in the world: Breast cancer cannot happen if you do the following:

  1. Avoid all dairy
  2. Avoid all sugar, including fruit juice, artificial sweeteners, tropical foods, etc.
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What’s Wrong With Chicken?

Chickens are stressed out animals. Did you know that 95% of all the chickens and eggs sold in the U.S. come from factory farms, that have between 100,000 and 750,000 birds?

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Maybe you don’t feel that matters, but it does, as:

  1. Factory farm Chickens spread more disease
  2. To cope with that, more chemicals are used
  3. The environmental cost from transporting poultry is significant
  4. Horrible conditions: 22 hour days, beak clipping, no space
  5. Employees conditions: low wages, toxic smells, no humanity
  6. The result when we eat these animals is poor health…
  7. Higher cancer, heart disease, stress and bad karma

There are now good substitutes for chicken now, including:



Beyond Meat


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Thank you.… Read the rest

Top 10 Ideas To Make Cookies & Ice Cream Healthier

Often, I hear stories of people who gave up the corporate world, to open an ice cream store or start baking cookies for a living. Sounds great, doesn’t it?

The world is full of ice cream and cookies, but we are still a sick and depressed bunch.… Read the rest

Come Home to Your True Nature

Just saw Will Tuttle speak (saw him once before) in Sudbury. Unbelievable guy, so inspirational.

Lived in a trailer for the past 10 years, with his artist wife, cris-crossing the country, speaking about his book, and playing music for people. I was not able to capture the mood in the room, but I did get a few thoughts…

According to Heifer, International, cows were created for 4 Ms…Meat, Milk, Manure and Money

Every day, 75 million animals are killed in the USA for food.… Read the rest