Turn off ALS? Wow. More than half of doctors: Don’t value our time Are not open to alternative healing Promote tests, drugs and surgery Don’t have a clue how to prevent illness Are not healthy themselves Believe that diseases are … Continue reading
Tag Archives: chemicals
If you are over 40, and have any symptoms or take any daily meds, this is your wakeup call. All disease is caused by animal protein, chemicals, and stress, and aided by eating sugar, and having bad family history. Beef, … Continue reading
Pancreatic cancer is on the rise. You can tell by reading the obituaries, or by Googling it. Steve Jobs, that famous Last Lecture professor from Carnegie Mellon Randy Pausch, Patrick Swayze, Michael Landon, Sally Ride, Ben Orr from the Cars, … Continue reading
USA cancer deaths are rising despite more testing, medicines, procedures, even vaccines. These interventions actually CAUSE cancer, and are very expensive. What’s less expensive, and more effective? Prevention. Here’s the recipe (from our front page): Eat organic plant-based low fat/sodium/sugar meals … Continue reading
Nature keeps us healthy and happy, and by being natural we help preserve nature, and reduce suffering. Here’s a little quiz to see how natural you are. 1. How many hours per day do you spend … Continue reading
This time of the year is great for taking inventory. How is your health? Relationships? Happiness? Some say 2012 is the last year for humans on this planet. I say something big is coming which will change life here, and … Continue reading
All in all, the Boston area has some good resources for healthy living. Have you been to: Tower Hill Botanic Garden in Worcester? Masao’s Kitchen in Waltham? Whole Foods in Dedham, or the new store in Wellesley? Veggie Galaxy in … Continue reading