Best Fake Cheese

Cheese is horrible for our health. It is also a stain on the environment, and our terrible treatment of cows and their babies. Unfortunately, it is addictive, the dairy lobby is powerful, and many people continue to eat it. Shame … Continue reading

Do You Have Fatty Liver?

There is new research showing that most severe cases of Covid-19 are in people with non-alcoholic Fatty Liver, which is caused by eating animal foods and sugar. 60% of Covid deaths are obese, 70% have hypertension, and of course most … Continue reading

Bipolar Disorder Is The Same As Hypoglycemia

Bipolar Disorder Is The Same As Hypoglycemia Think about it—when they eat chicken and pizza, they get frustrated and angry, and when they eat ice cream and soda, they explode. Here’s the cure, when you are ready for it. 10 foods … Continue reading

Why No Dairy?

You like Top 10 Lists, eh? Okay, here’s another… Top 10 Reasons To Give Up Eating Dairy Foods The price of dairy products has skyrocketed over the past few years Milk has been linked to thyroid cancer, which is found … Continue reading

Carbs…Protein…Calcium…What’s It All Mean?

God did not intend us to be accountants. The key to being slim, healthy, attractive and happy is NOT keeping score, but living a balanced life. Unfortunately, our capitalist society makes it fairly difficult to find balance. Few of us are properly … Continue reading