Try David’s Sweet Vegetable Drink Today

When you are at work, how do you feel halfway between lunch and dinner, at say 3pm? Probably, a bit cranky, and in need of a little boost. Your body is way ahead of you. It’s scouting out the cookies, … Continue reading

Avoid Colds & Flu This Winter With Veg etc.

People in the USA don’t understand what colds and flu are, and how to prevent them. It’s a multi-billion dollar industry, so big pharma, hospitals, doctors and the government are not going to tell you. I will. Here’s the deal: … Continue reading

Breakfast of Champions (of Health, Peace and Longevity)

Like you, I enjoyed some fun foods over the weekend, including chocolate, fruit, and bread. But Monday morning, and the start of a new month, helps motivate me to do better for my body. Today’s breakfast was hot cereal with … Continue reading