Does The World Work?

Sometimes it seems that everything is broken.

In my world, it’s the little things that get me. The kids up the street don’t show up on time to walk with my daughter (so I get to walk her, that’s good), the street sweeper is preceded by the leaf-blower who is spewing gas fumes on kids walking to school, people have not signed up for my cooking class and it may be cancelled, and now my men’s group has scheduled a competing event.… Read the rest

Commitment vs. Obligation

I am going through an exercise for the next 30 days to help free up my negative energy.

Even as I am committed to serving others, and I spend many hours cooking and driving and listening for people who need my support, I sometimes feel this work weakens me, and I need to understand and avoid that dynamic.… Read the rest

America’s Anger Problem

We are angry. That’s why hockey dads kill coaches, disgruntled ex-workers kill bosses, and Army doctors kill patients.

Why are we so angry? Primarily because we are eating sick, miserable, scared and angry animals at a ferocious pace, and we are surrounded with suffering and a lack of wisdom on how to handle it.… Read the rest

America's Anger Problem

We are angry. That’s why hockey dads kill coaches, disgruntled ex-workers kill bosses, and Army doctors kill patients.

Why are we so angry? Primarily because we are eating sick, miserable, scared and angry animals at a ferocious pace, and we are surrounded with suffering and a lack of wisdom on how to handle it.… Read the rest