Generally YES. However, nothing in life is simple, where there are humans involved. It is true that you cannot always believe something is organic, that is, grown without hormones, pesticides, hybridization, antibiotics, etc. In addition, sometimes organic is meaningless, for … Continue reading
Tag Archives: animals
I’m building a web site for my friend Dr. Kayed Khalil, a talented chiropractor based in Framingham. If you know Kayed, you may also know he is a gifted speaker on the subject of peace, particularly in the Middle East. … Continue reading
Today is ten years since 911. I think people have learned a lot. Most of us are more grateful, and know life is precious. We also are more careful. But as a nation, our learnings and our practices seem a … Continue reading
Animal foods is so last decade. Learn to cook vegan meals and you will have better health, karma and planet.
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