If you don’t bring a healthy lunch to work, then you might have to eat out.
Most restaurants and takeout joints pack their food with tons of salt, sugar, chemicals and animal products, which not only weaken your immunity and promote obesity, heart disease, cancer, etc., but also cause cravings throughout the rest of your day.
What can you do? For one thing, identify healthy snacking foods and bring them to work. These include:
- Carrot sticks, celery, scallions, radishes, etc. (blanch in fall/winter)
- Larabars vs. other snack bars (sodium >100, sugar >6)
- Sweet Vegetable Drink, or hot carrot or apple juice
- Green or bancha twig (kukicha) tea
- Sourdough bread (yeast promotes cancer and cravings)
- Natural pickles or umeboshi plums
For more ideas, please get our Placemat, iPhone App, eBook elsewhere on this site, or send an email to david@kagan.co.
For a Ride To Health, or a Health Consult, call David at 508-333-4153. Starts at $30 and can change your life.