Restoring Your Body In 28 Days

Are you in tough shape health-wise?

Can you answer yes to more than one of these:

  1. I take regular medications
  2. I do not have large, well-formed bowel movements daily
  3. I am frequently feeling depressed, or have a headache or muscle ache
  4. I am tired in the morning or at night
  5. I am 20 pounds or more overweight
  6. I have been told I have high blood pressure or am diabetic or pre-diabetic

If so, here is the EASY cure, it takes just one month. Staying on it should be a no-brainer, IF you love yourself.


  1. Eat brown rice and miso soup and beans and vegetables every day
  2. Avoid fast foods, chemicals, dairy, meat, sugar and eggs
  3. Drink only water and twig tea (except below)
  4. Take a :30 walk outside before 10am daily
  5. Spend :30 meditating with gratitude and seeing yourself healing
  6. Do a daily body rub
  7. Get four houseplants, one for the bedroom, one for the bathroom, one for the living room, and one for the kitchen
  8. Don’t smoke or take drugs other than prescriptions
  9. Smile at everyone, and choose calm conversations, soft music and art instead of news and video games, etc.
  10. In between meals at 2pm etc. have hot apple juice cut with water, or David’s Sweet Veggie Drink

If you do all this, and do not experience a health miracle, I will eat my hat.


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