I love a good outdoor market. A closure brought me through the Sumner Tunnel the other day, and I found myself at Haymarket, where the senses are delighted.
$17 later, I was carrying four bags of produce with amazing bargains:
- 3 avocados for $2
- 2 pints of blueberries for $5
- a head of lettuce for $.50
- 2 giant leeks for $2
- a giant head of cauliflower for $2
- a giant bag of grapes for $1.50
- an eggplant for $.75
- a cucumber for $.50
- Three scallion bunches for $1.00
- a GIANT bag of mesclun salad mix for $2.00
- a big bag of fingerling potatoes
All I could think of was the savings of $25 or more vs. Whole Foods
The next day I got a headache, then diarrhea, and pains in various parts of my body.
It was the pesticides. And too much fruit. And nightshade vegetables. I should know better.
I had washed the produce, but my body is used to organic produce. I am guessing the lettuce and the grapes had the worst effect, but also a dinner with potato and eggplant did me no favors.
The next day I was worse, not better, so I had only brown rice and miso soup. And I’m staying away from all that garbage I bought on the cheap. I am regaining my health.
Have you had a similar experience? Please learn from it:
- Pesticides are dangerous, particularly on grapes and lettuce
- Fruit is great in small amounts, but cook them unless it’s summer
- Nightshade veggies are dangerously acidic, unless it’s summer
Here is a link to a great organics organization.
Be well!