Neat Uses For Seaweed

At first (25 years ago), it seemed weird, but I was told seaweed was already in the cheese, yogurt, jello, cosmetics and so many other products we buy, I said “I’ll try it.” Now, I eat sea vegetables (sounds better, doesn’t it?) every day. You can do, and you should because it’s an easy way to keep your body happy, without drugs or doctors.

How do they work? Well, the scientific answer would take a long time, but the bottom line is they have a lot of well-balanced minerals, and when we were in the ocean, we came from this stuff. Now that we are on dry land, we should be eating more fish that comes from this stuff, but we don’t. We eat garbage, and fish that comes from pesticide swamps inland. Seaweed is also a beauty secret, it’s great for your skin and nails and hair.

If you have high blood pressure, heart disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, anemia, or joint problems, then seaweeds are for you.

What types should you consider?

Wakame-I buy this at Whole Foods usually, for about $8, and it lasts for 1-2 years. Every day, I make soup from scratch, using water, vegetables and miso. Most of the time I also add a few flakes of Wakame, which taste nice and make the soup prettier. I also add vegetables, beans, grains, tofu etc., always different, sometimes blended, takes just fifteen minutes. INCREDIBLE HEALTH BENEFITS FOR EVERY HUMAN.

Nori-I buy this (pretoasted) at Whole Foods too, for about $6, and it lasts about six months. About once per week, I shred a sheet and add it to soup, salad or stirfy, or even a sandwich or tortilla. A couple of times per month, I make rice balls (brown rice, vinegar, umeboshi plum, nori, sesame salt), and maybe once a month I make nori rolls (sushi without the fish). THIS STUFF TASTES GREAT, ALSO VERY GOOD FOR YOU.

Kombu-I get this at Whole Foods too, for about $9, and it lasts about six months. I use it to create soup stocks and sauces, but mostly to cook beans and grains (unless I’m using sea salt). It helps things cook faster, and has a hearty flavor. ALSO VERY GOOD FOR YOU.

Dulse-This is red seaweed, and yes, I get it at Whole Foods, for about $10, and it lasts 1-2 years. You can use it in soups, toast in and put in on salads or casseroles, and use it in stirfries etc. VERY YUMMY, ALSO GOOD FOR YOU.

Agar-This is also known as Kanten Flakes, and can be gotten at Asian markets, or online, or you guesssed it, at Whole Foods. $7 a packet, it only lasts me a couple of months. I use this to make fruit (or vegetable) kantens, usually desserts with apple juice and fruit. So delicious, and GOOD FOR YOU!

Arame-This I also get at Whole Foods, costs me $9, and it lasts for two years. It’s a bit fishy, I eat it because it’s good for me. Generally, I cook it with onions and sweet potatoes, but there are many recipes you can find. Because it’s strong, I only eat it about twice per month. YES, IT’S GOOD FOR YOU!

I hope that helps, please feel free to get in touch for any advice…, or http://www./



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