Health Yourself! (at Piccadilly Pub?)

Last night, I took my friend Ron to Piccadilly Pub in Westboro. Although I am 98% vegan, I will sometimes take a bullet for my kids, or yield to a social situation (some things never enter my mouth, such as hot dogs, hamburgers, or fast food, I have my limits!)

Ron is handicapped since a car accident paralyzed his right side just about 20 years ago. He lives alone, like a packrat, on coupons, cows and corn syrup. Ah the oscar to my felix! So you can see why we dined there.

Anyway, although we never made it to the Firefighter’s Comedy Night in Westboro, we had a nice dinner, and I managed to have a reasonably cruelty-free, non-acid-forming dinner. Had I not ordered the GardenBurger™, I would have been out of luck, although the beer was excellent and good for me.

But my point is, it was a low-stress event, because I cared mostly about Ron being comfortable, and not making waves. Lisa our waitress was very nice, humoring Ron by conversing with him, and even letting us in on her private life a little. It showed me something that she had compassion for him.

I’m very concerned that (nearly) every single patron besides me was eating meat and dairy and salt and sugar and corn syrup and chemicals to the point where their bodies are in rough shape, and they need drugs to get through their days. Can it be that I am deceived and these people are just fine, and not worried about what they eat, so better off?

I know deep inside we can transform our health through:

1) Understanding the state of our eating and lifestyle

2) Making significant changes to improve our mood, health and energy, then choosing a diet and lifestyle to support our dreams

3) Living our dreams in a happier, cleaner, safer world


If you want this in your life, and don’t have the vaguest notion of how to get it, please go to my web site, at



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