In our world, we are usually focused on others–taking care of our kids, watching stars on TV, even taking our
eating and healthcare advice from others, whether they be restaurants, supermarkets or physicians.
What if we spent more time focused on ourself? Perhaps we can find what we need to live a better life, instead
of always complaining that our lives aren’t as great as they could be?
Everyone’s in a different place, at a different level. If a new study says everyone should take cod liver oil,
be skeptical. Sure, it might be great for a lot of people, and I take it sometimes when I haven’t had fish
for a while, but think about what you need most, then pursue it, rather than taking the pundit’s advice.
Remember, they are frequently wrong, they change their minds when they find a new hot product to hype,
and they don’t know your condition.
I challenge you to spend fifteen minutes today meditating, just sitting and breathing, and at the very end,
ask yourself: “what physical changes would be right for me at this time?” It could be something simple,
like you want to buy ear-muffs this winter, as your ears were frequently cold last year. Or, you may commit
to having dessert only once or twice a week, instead of most every night. Perhaps you enjoy the meditation
enough to do it more often.
What’s important is, it’s your body, and your life. Please don’t let the media, the doctor, the fashionista
determine what you consume. That’s freedom.