When We Lose Someone, We Grow a Little Bit

This week, my best friend lost his mom.

She was older, about 85, and she had been suffering, so it’s for the best in one way, but of course it was difficult for him, and for all of us who knew this fine woman.

The stress of the week, including the planning, expense, being ON for family and friends, and the lack of sleep was taxing on my friend and his family. And when the excitement wanes, the reality will set in, and the true grieving can begin. Which is also difficult. But, on the flip side, there is some growth that takes place.

Many people would say my friend was lucky because he had a doting mother. Unfortunately for him, it has handicapped him somewhat. He certainly got her gift of being intelligent and social, but he seemed to expect to be the center of attention, which very few of us can continue to enjoy, as time goes on. I believe he has learned this week, what he might have learned when he first left home–that he needs to look out for himself, and negotiate with others for attention, while he makes his child and other people feel important as well.

He has also learned more about his mother, and about himself. First, that his mom gave so much of herself to so many people, and never asked for anything in return. And also, that he and his siblings, etc. have many of the gifts that his mom had, and that she may have left this world, but will never be forgotten.

Change is thrust upon us, and we must endure. But there are lessons, and we ought to reflect so we can be better, and cope better with the new world we find ourself in.

While both of my parents are still living, I pray that I can have all the consciousness that brings fulfillment to them, and to me and my sister. Amen.

Recipe for a Great Life

Barack is the man, he’s gonna restore our economy, make government accountable, and
help us improve our standing in the world.

How’s he gonna do all that?

Not by eating more burgers and fries, I can tell you that. George Bush was a simpler man, who saw cows as food and people as friends or enemies. Barack may eat a burger now and again, but I know he mainly eats a plant-based diet, and he keeps his body in excellent working order. And at the top of the body is the mind…

Let’s support Barack Obama by pushing for change in the world of eating:

-End supports to Meat and Dairy growers
-Vote down radiating foods, cloning, misleading labels and lowering organic standards
-Eat less meat and dairy, to support your body, the animals, and the environment

The more health we feel, the more productive we can be. And peaceful.


Asking for Change this New Year

I went to a party and what did I see?

Lots of wonderful people, just like me. Only some of them were sick, with sick and ill-behaved children, and they were sporting guts and bags under their eyes. These people are stressed, have too much animal inside them, and need to give their livers, kidneys and pancreases a break.

It’s hard to be happy and optimistic going into a new year if you have a feeling that it’s not going to be easy. I noticed these people were cautious about going over to the buffet, with its meat and cheese and butter and salt and chemical-laden goodies, as they knew their resolutions were to begin only a few hours from then.

Wouldn’t it be GREAT if those who gave the parties, and those who served the meals (ie restaurants, cafeterias, convenience stores, etc.) offered some food that did not have to be avoided when the going gets tough?

Why not ask every pizza joint owner, convenience store clerk, and hot dog vendor you see, if they would consider using Organic, Plant-Based Foods.

I’m not suggesting Burger King should only do stirfries and soups (that would be COOL!), but by taking some step, as McDonalds has, so that people who want REAL food can get some.

Use this as a guide…

1. Are your Meats and Dairy ingredients organic? If not, you are contributing to animal suffering, poor working conditions for workers, and most probably the poisoning of humans through added hormones, antibiotics and pesticides. It is not sustainable, and helping to increase cancer, obesity, violence and environmental problems.

2. Do you offer beverages without High Fructose Corn Syrup and Artificial Colors/Flavors? Children should not be having these products, nor products with 10+ teaspoons of sugar, and carbonation. There are so many good choices these days.

3. What Oils do you use to cook with? If the answer is Lard, Coconut Oil, Palm Oil, Cottonseed Oil or Canola (yes Canola, it’s highly processed and cheap for a reason!), why not consider using Sesame Oil, Safflower Oil, or Sunflower Oil?

4. Do you offer fresh vegetables? How ’bout some carrots, squash, peas, collard greens, something we can feel lighter with.

5. Do you offer any protein other than animal protein? Like Tofu, Hummus, beans etc. They are delicious and good for you!

Good luck!!

Meeting Life’s Challenges Head On

Every day, I fall short of my hopes and dreams, but I must not let that stop me.

Why don’t more people buy my books, my Sweet Vegetable Drink, come to my web sites? Maybe I should quit?

I must never feel defeated. I must stay the course (okay, GHWB might have ruined that phrase for all of us), and look at my actions with objectivity, so I can continue, improve and BE PATIENT for my ideas to be followed when the time is right.

Living a balanced life is not easy, but it is worthwhile, even when it seems like I am in a ditch on the side of the road. I promise to pick myself up, brush myself off, put a smile on my face, and stick my thumb right back out.

Goin’ my way?

Meeting Life's Challenges Head On

Every day, I fall short of my hopes and dreams, but I must not let that stop me.

Why don’t more people buy my books, my Sweet Vegetable Drink, come to my web sites? Maybe I should quit?

I must never feel defeated. I must stay the course (okay, GHWB might have ruined that phrase for all of us), and look at my actions with objectivity, so I can continue, improve and BE PATIENT for my ideas to be followed when the time is right.

Living a balanced life is not easy, but it is worthwhile, even when it seems like I am in a ditch on the side of the road. I promise to pick myself up, brush myself off, put a smile on my face, and stick my thumb right back out.

Goin’ my way?

What’s Up, Doc? You know a Vegan Diet is the Cure.

Some time ago, a friend dislosed her newly diagnosed digestive disorder. It did not shock us, because these people eat BADLY, and her husband has already had his second bout of potentially fatal cancer.

How is she doing now? Her doctor gave her a medication, so now she can “pretty much do the things she was doing before.” Wow. Hippocrates would roll over in his grave. Most doctors, similar to mechanics, are happy to watch us destroy our health with poor eating and lifestyle habits, then serve up a “screening”, a “protocol”, or a “procedure” for that “DISEASE.”

The doctor gives the medication, and now the patient goes back to the activity that caused the problem, instead of realizing that the indigestion etc. was simply a wakeup call, that eating COW PUS FRIED IN GREASE and other delicious treats, as every day diet, will cause the body to break down. Keeps you coming back!!

If you are over 35 years old, please consider…

Do you believe that your DIET and LIFESTYLE will have a PROFOUND impact on your quality of life and longevity? If not, you fail the test. There are DOZENS of studies, from reputable scientists, that confirm a strong link.

If you do believe in the connection, what are you doing about it? Are you still eating a diet with more than 10% animal foods, not getting enough rest and exercise, using too many chemicals? If you are, it’s time to change. For you, for your family, for the poor animals torn from families/drugged/tortured/raped/killed, and for the planet.

You want Change? Be the change.

What's Up, Doc? You know a Vegan Diet is the Cure.

Some time ago, a friend dislosed her newly diagnosed digestive disorder. It did not shock us, because these people eat BADLY, and her husband has already had his second bout of potentially fatal cancer.

How is she doing now? Her doctor gave her a medication, so now she can “pretty much do the things she was doing before.” Wow. Hippocrates would roll over in his grave. Most doctors, similar to mechanics, are happy to watch us destroy our health with poor eating and lifestyle habits, then serve up a “screening”, a “protocol”, or a “procedure” for that “DISEASE.”

The doctor gives the medication, and now the patient goes back to the activity that caused the problem, instead of realizing that the indigestion etc. was simply a wakeup call, that eating COW PUS FRIED IN GREASE and other delicious treats, as every day diet, will cause the body to break down. Keeps you coming back!!

If you are over 35 years old, please consider…

Do you believe that your DIET and LIFESTYLE will have a PROFOUND impact on your quality of life and longevity? If not, you fail the test. There are DOZENS of studies, from reputable scientists, that confirm a strong link.

If you do believe in the connection, what are you doing about it? Are you still eating a diet with more than 10% animal foods, not getting enough rest and exercise, using too many chemicals? If you are, it’s time to change. For you, for your family, for the poor animals torn from families/drugged/tortured/raped/killed, and for the planet.

You want Change? Be the change.


What a feeling, to work for something, then to get it.

Lately, I’ve wanted to earn more money, to become a vegan chef, and to have an opportunity to spend time in Asheville. This week, all three had breakthroughs.

I owe it to:

-Good Eating
-Serving Others

Whatever tomorrow brings, I will be smiling. I would love to see your smile in return.

Happiness Inside

My daughter is having a relationship problem with a couple of her classmates, who are a bit aggressive, mean, and uncaring. She is a sensitive girl who just wants everyone
to stay positive. She is not ready for the dog-eat-dog business world just yet.

I believe that people who eat more than about 10% animal products, chicken, beef, eggs, tuna, milk, etc., are eating MISERY, and stressing out their organs. Could it be that these girls are simply unable to control their unhappiness with their condition?

I listened, and told Jordana that I have been through similar problems, and she really has four choices: (she already gently confronted these people and was laughed at more than once)
1) Stay out of that person’s way
2) When they poke her in the eye and laugh, stay down and complain to authority
3) Move to a different community where people are more vegan-friendly (Portland, OR, Portland, ME, or Asheville, NC, to name a few)
4) Punch the girl in the face (she didn’t like that idea)

What do you think?