NOTMILK – Consequences of Hidden Milk in Groceries

Consequences of Hidden Milk in Groceries

“Everybody, sooner or later, sits down
to a banquet of consequences.”
– Robert Louis Stevenson

Eighty percent of milk protein is casein. When
casein is extracted from milk, it is used as a
glue to hold together processed foods. When you
eat casein, histamines are produced, then mucus.

Casein is also used as the tenacious glue which
Holds together wood in furniture. Casein is also
Used as the glue which adheres a label to a
Bottle of beer.

A few months ago I ate pizza at a vegetarian friend’s
house. I was assured that the cheese used was vegan.
The next morning, my body assured me that it was not. I
became fully congested. Such coincidences do not happen.
My body is so finely tuned, that it exists as a
barometer to my own internal atmosphere.

I do not eat meat, but I learned long ago that if one
orders baloney or salami or pepperoni from the deli
counter, one is also ordering milk. You see, milk
protein holds together the finished product. Casein
binds ground sausage and hot dogs like a powerful
binding agent. Eat hidden casein in meat products and you
will need to cleanse yourself many hours later. Usually,
that is an overnight experience. As one sleeps, the
histamines clog internal organs, blood, intestines,
and lungs. Upon waking, one’s first response is to
spit up phlegm. The next few waking hours are spent
expelling phlegm and mucus. Those companies marketing
Kleenex and Charmin become the beneficiaries.

Ten to fifteen hours after ingesting casein, you are
guaranteed to know the congesting effects. You’ll
spit the results of your dairy meal, and your morning
(or next) bowel movement will consist of sludge. I
do not have to get too descriptive. You’ve experienced
this same effect too.

Be aware that “non-dairy” products may contain casein.

A list of label ingredients containing milk protein might
surprise you. Some of the ingredients surprised me, and
I thought that I knew almost everything there was to know
about milk ingredients in food. Clearly, I did not.

Read ingredient labels. If foods contain the following,
they are not vegan. They are dairy:

butter, butter solids/fat, caramel color,
caramel flavoring, casein, caseinate, ammonium caseinate,
calcium caseinate, hydrolyzed casein, iron caseinate,
magnesium caseinate, potassium caseinate, rennet casein,
sodium caseinate, sodium caseinate solids, zinc caseinate,
cheese, cream, curds, flavoring, high protein flour, lactate,
lactic acid, lactalbumin, lactalbumin phosphate, lactoferrin,
lactaglobulin, lactose, magnesium, margarine, milk, buttermilk,
milk derivative, milk fat, milk protein, milk solids, skim milk,
powdered milk, dried milk, dry milk solids, sour milk solids,
hydrolyzed milk protein, natural flavoring, sour cream solids,
whey, delactosed whey, demineralized whey, whey protein
concentrate, whey powder, and yogurt.

Those “natural flavorings” will get you every time. When
contacting manufacturers, you will usually be told that the
“natural flavorings” are “proprietary.” That means, secret.
The same individual will not know whether or not they are
“dairy.” Often times, neither will the food scientists, since
natural flavorings are manufactured for food processors by
third parties. In other words, avoid those foods with
natural flavorings. These chemicals do not do the body
any good.

Take responsibility for your actions. If you do the dirty edde
the night before, expect to face the consequences the morning

Robert Cohen




Rich meal last night?

The day after eating animal foods, if you want to get things moving, try grating a 1/4 carrot and 1/2″ of daikon, adding a 1/4 cup water and simmering for three minutes, then adding 2 TB shoyu (high quality soy sauce) and simmering another minute. Eat it all, then take a :30 walk outside. Nature will take it’s course. Then skip lunch in favor of some hot apple juice. For dinner, have brown rice, vegetables, miso soup and a pickle after, with some twig tea or green tea. Body all better. If you want the spirit to feel better also, spend a minute or two thinking about the animal that suffered and died so you could enjoy your meal. And commit yourself to improving animal conditions the next time you get a chance.

Sweeter Than Sweets

I overdid the Halloween candy also. But I really did not enjoy getting up in the middle of the night with: excessive thirst, scratchy, dry, sore throat, crazy thoughts, strange dreams, tight leg muscles, twitching eyelids. All of these symptoms are in the upper body, which is as expected, because sugar is yin. Today, I am having brown rice, vegetables, and sweet vegetable drink to heal. Amen.

My Ten Favorite Vegetables

For health and happiness, eat more of these veggies, organic, local and in season…

-Onion (or leeks, scallions, chives)
-Radish (or daikon)
-Green Cabbage (or Chinese cabbage or bok choy)
-Winter Squash (butternut, buttercup, acorn, kobocha, etc.)
-Carrots (fatter and shorter are better than longer and skinnier) -Broccoli (occasionally broccoli-rabe or baby broccoli too)
-Cauliflower (great in soups, deep fried or boiled/smashed with garlic and oil)
-Lotus Root (find at Super 88, H Mart, or asian grocer; great in tea, stir fried, or deep fried) -Burdock Root (find at Whole Foods, etc., great in a long saute or soup) -Cucumber (great in salads, cold soups, sandwiches and for homemade pickles)

Of course this leaves out 100+ other great vegetables, but that’s another blog entry!

Back Pain?

Back pain is not normal, although many people in today’s world experience it full time or occasionally. If you want to heal your back pain, simply eliminate animal foods such as meat, chicken, eggs, and dairy, and reduce sugar intake, including fruit juice, raw fruits and nightshade vegetables. These acidic foods tend to build up lactic acid. Try a ginger compress for excellent relief until dietary changes lead to permanent relief.