The Beginning of the End of Facebook

You must read this article. It is unbelievable.

I believe Facebook is too general and has an ugly design, but that didn’t stop Windows from temporarily being top dog. But invasion of privacy, fagetaboutit.

Now we have to get rid of smartphones and texting…I know, I love my iPhone too, but most of us are addicted as if it were crack.

Pink Slime, Creme Eggs & A Robust Healthcare System

We are being set up. Well, those of us who shop and eat the conventional American diet.

It’s our own fault, of course. Every single day, there are articles online and in print, and television and radio shows exposing the horrific crimes of “phude” companies, who know that they can add sodium or corn syrup to just about anything, slap on a wrapper, and sell it to us anywhere from gas stations to drug stores to supermarkets to schools. Where does it end?

Funny you should ask. For ex-Governor Argeo “Paul” Cellucci, it ends with a case of ALS, in which his body will rapidly decay, with numbness and weakness leading to inability to swallow and eventually breathe. For others it will be breast cancer, or a heart attack, or perhaps a case of flesh-eating bacteria. Gross, but there is a silver lining.

The silver lining is this—through all of these conditions, and don’t forget mad cow disease, the cruelist of all, overpopulation will be cured, and survival of the fittest, will enter a new chapter. People who live more simply, and eat more naturally, will live, and those who cannot say no to a new kind of snack, at all hours of the night, will go slowly into their goodnight, a tragedy at home and a victory for those that take profits.

Repent. Become a vegan, learn to cook, eat less, take a yoga class, and you will find it’s not nearly as boring or painful as you imagined. In fact, it may open up a new life for you. And if not, well, at least a new lease on life anyway.

500 Posts—Something For Everyone

I’ve been at this for a while now, and I must say, I enjoy it.

Sharing my life reminds me I’m not alone, and adds incentive for others to include people in their lives. In these times, with financial and other stress, we need to be in community with others.

I’m also able to stay on track more when I write about health, and yes, health is a challenge for me, in the same way an alcoholic at AA admits that his sobriety is a life-long challenge.

My great hope is that you also get something from my writing (and other offerings). If you do, please let me know.

In addition to blogs a few times per week, here and at, I will continue to offer my lectures, meetups, food tastings, consults, iPhone apps, placemat, and sweet vegetable drink on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Please let me know what you need, and what interests you. You are my purpose for being.

Enjoy the weekend, whatever the weather, in good health and happiness.

Why No Dairy?

You like Top 10 Lists, eh? Okay, here’s another…

Top 10 Reasons To Give Up Eating Dairy Foods

  1. The price of dairy products has skyrocketed over the past few years
  2. Milk has been linked to thyroid cancer, which is found in approximately half of adults over 50. Comes from iodine used to treat mastitis. Also hormones, antibiotics, etc.
  3. All dairy products cause weight gain—cheese is at the top of the list
  4. Dairy foods have enormous amounts of bacteria, stressing our immune system. Pasteurization has consistently been found to be inadequate
  5. Any woman, and especially any mother can tell you that being milked several times per day for months at a time is extremely taxing. Misery loves company
  6. Dairy cows have a lifespan of just a 4-5 years, vs. 20 year normal lifespan.
  7. While milk is touted as good for your bones, milk drinkers have the most osteoporosis
  8. Milk has been linked to breast cancer, SIDS, Asthma, Allergies, leukemia, & diabetes
  9. Dairy products promote air, land and water pollution
  10. The U.S. Government, The Dairy Council and Big Pharma say milk is part of a healthy diet. They make huge profits while we sneeze and wheeze and choke down tons of addictive but harmful cheese!

Top 10 Ways To Create Peace

As promised, here are my Top 10 Ways To Create Peace

  1. Drop sugar from your diet
  2. Only see the good in others
  3. Meditate every day
  4. Live mindfully and modestly
  5. Take a daily nature walk
  6. Forgive yourself completely
  7. Love, laugh and be grateful for freedom
  8. Listen deeply to everyone, especially your adversaries
  9. Take care of all living beings
  10. Make an effort to drink clean water and eat clean foods
Click here for more top 10 lists


Peace Now

I’m building a web site for my friend Dr. Kayed Khalil, a talented chiropractor based in Framingham.

If you know Kayed, you may also know he is a gifted speaker on the subject of peace, particularly in the Middle East. He knows a little something about the subject, as he was born in a refugee camp in Beirut, Lebanon. He is married to a Jewish woman, and has spoken on the subject in front of over 100 audiences over the past 25 years.

I hope you will visit his web site called Peace Talking, where you can also find a few choice quotes on peace by well known celebrities and historical figures.

If you know me, you will agree that this quote fits with my life the most:

I’m concentrating on staying healthy, having peace, being happy, remembering what is important, taking in nature and animals, spending time reading, trying to understand the universe, where science and the spiritual meet.
Joan Jett

I can’t remember if I have a top 10 list on peace yet. If not, I may get to that tomorrow. For now, I pray for peace.

Dye Your Hair? Pick Your Poison…

Perhaps a quarter of all American women over 21 dye their hair on a regular basis. Is there any doubt this is contributing to their risk of getting cancer, kidney or liver disease, neurological other health problems?

We are all free to hurt ourselves if we choose, but what about when we ask other people to give of themselves to save us from our own stupidity?

Read the story in today’s Boston Globe about the woman who is asking for her third kidney transplant, and tell me what you think.




What Do You Want From Me?

I like to blog. It helps me focus my thoughts for more success in my life. But I also want to help you.

Today, I have three thoughts. Please let me know which is most helpful or interesting to you. Thanks.

1. I just had a call with one of my men (from The Surround), who is getting together with his (grown) son today. He told me he is committed to accepting his son exactly as he is today, with no judgement and expectations. I did not ask him if he would be sharing this thought with his son, but I wish I had. I did however ask him to consider that he may receive the same gift from his (passed on) father. That blew him away. Imagine the healing power.

2. I found this graphic today on my desktop, and thought I would share it, as Obama was talking about ending subsidies for oil companies. Wouldn’t it be great if we did the same for sugar, meat and dairy industries.

3. Here are the results from a LinkedIn Poll I did perhaps a year ago, in regards to our own standards on % of animal food in our diet. T. Colin Campbell (pre-eminent researcher, professor and author) among others (including Harvard, Johns Hopkins, and the Surgeon General) say we eat far too much animal protein (not necessarily fat), ~35% of our calories. A reduction to 12.5% or less, matching the proportion of our teeth that can cut meat, would save billions of dollars annually, and drastically reduce suffering and early death from obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

Big difference between men and women. I think my goal should be to help the 45% of men who responded who by their own judgement would like to decrease their intake of animal foods. Where do you stand on this poll?

So, which story talks to you most? I appreciate your response! And if you are not yet subscribed to this blog, please sign up here…