Habits Define Us

A Better Life Comes From Better Habits

Food is certainly the largest input we have, and therefore it determines our health.

But other inputs, such as relationships, work, environment, exercise, and even media, also determine our health and happiness.

If you are not quite ready to go vegan, or buy organic foods, my advice is to eat less, chew more, and improve other inputs…

Meditate, do yoga, keep a journal, do affirmations regularly

Meditation simply means you are letting your mind rest, while you are present in your body. It’s difficult to do at first, because there are so many stimuli in our lives, from our phones, to our friends, to street noise. But stick with it, and you will find more inner peace, and the ability to be happier, and be more present for your relationships and your work. Once you get the hang of it, you can do it at a red light, or before bed, and get great benefits in all areas of your life.

Yoga has become very popular. There are many different types of yoga, so try a couple and see what might fit your goals and your lifestyle. Many people use hatha yoga to relax, and improve their flexibility and dexterity. You may have limitations, make sure you honor your body and don’t overdo it. Use local classes and the Internet to learn more.

Writing in a journal is great because you can go back later and refer to it to better understand your life. Also, it’s great for prioritizing, and remembering what you did, and what you want to do in the future. Finally, if you plan on writing an autobiography, it’s indespensible!

Affirmations work! If you believe it, you can achieve it. Sometimes we have negative programming, put into place from our past failures, or a well-meaning teacher or relative. But you can accomplish anything, and it all starts with confidence. Affirmations build confidence bit by bit, and they cost absolutely nothing

Look at your relationships honestly, make choices that work for you

We all have people in our lives who bring us down. Sometimes we cannot get them out of our lives, but we can be more aware of triggers, and avoid being hurt. We also need to see who we are hurting, and take steps to improve how we treat others. Then we will feel better about ourselves, and enjoy better relationships, and attract new relationships. Some people use a therapist to get started on this, but it may not be necessary.

Research from the American Psychological Association has shown that the enjoyment and meaningfulness of a relationship is limited by our ability to balance our own needs while supporting and helping other people. If you experience dissatisfaction in a relationship or feel burned out because you are constantly giving, self-care can help you recharge your batteries. This might mean spending less time on relationships that don’t give back very much, or saying “no” to commitments you don’t want to engage in. Doing this will help you recommit to people you love and care about.

Address any potential addictions head-on

Addiction is rampant in the United States right now. While smoking is on the decline, social media, pot, gambling, and overeating have taken their toll on many of us. And alchohol, drugs, and even sex addiction are ruining lives. But there is help available. Interestingly, all of the above steps can help you here as well.

Get proper sleep

This is a big one. Wendy’s is open until 1am, and sirens wail all night, and our Facebook friends are constantly updating us on their lives. But we need to know when it’s time to rest. And we need to be smart about our sleep. Get a good mattress. Make sure you don’t have sleep apnea, or address that issue, and commit to getting enough sleep for you. Most people need a minimum of eight hours per sleep every night. Women tend to need more sleep. A well rested person can do more, better, and is less at risk for accidents and illness. Reading before bed is a great tip, versus watching the news. Avoiding a meal within three hours of bedtime is also helpful.

Live more naturally

Nature relaxes us, and brings us joy and revelation. Take nature walks, daily if possible. Also bring plants into your house, get a pet, and plan a vacation in a relaxing spot instead of a large city. Natural eating can also be great for our body, mind and spirit. Try eating actually foods, like grains, vegetables, mushrooms, fruits, seeds and nuts. You will not only save money, but also reduce pollution, and have more energy for life.

Try new things

Sometimes we get stuck. Too much work, too much television, too much of the same old same old. Break out of that! Take your vacation days, read a new book, pick up a hobby, maybe even take an adult education course. There are many ideas available out there, and you may have tried things in the past that you can return to. Life should be interesting. But it’s up to you to make it happen.

Be grateful

It’s easy to be weighted down by our financial, health, legal or relationship problems, and they certainly need our best efforts, and patience to get through. But take a moment each day to remember what you DO have. A roof over your head. Your senses. Your pet. Your friends and family. And an opportunity to control your own thoughts and actions. That’s huge.

Use the above steps when you feel you need a reminder in life. Before the car accident, nervous breakdown, or fireable offense at work. Take control of your life—one day at a time.

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