Dangerous Amounts of Sodium In Baked Goods


Went to Stop & Shop this evening for cucumbers and corn, and looked at some bakery items. Could not believe the amounts of sodium per serving. 150, 230, 330, 400mg per serving in angel food cake baked by Stop & Shop themselves. I presented it to the manager and asked her to take it off the shelf. Of course she urged me to go online to complain, which I will do soon.

Sodium is hard on the body. It can cause high blood pressure (hypertension), and damage to the adrenals, the pancreas, kidneys, liver and more. It also can cause anger and increase your appetite. Unfortunately, a lot of the sodium we get in foods comes from additives, either for flavor or to increase shelf life. Choose foods with sea salt also, that come not just with sodium, but also with minerals that make it easier for the body to process that sodium.

Please do not buy any ready-to-eat food, whether it be chips, soup, hot dog (even meatless), desert or baked item, with over 200 mg of sodium per serving. The daily limit for sodium should be no more than 2,000 mg., and you don’t want to blow 25% on one sitting of dessert, when an Italian Sub has 1,200 mg of sodium at lunch, and then you still have to deal with breakfast and dinner. And if you are going to have a nice salad, be careful of the dressing.

Most importantly, cook your own meals at home, and chew well. If you liked this post, and have not yet subscribed, do so here. [subscribe2]

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